Kiera & Tyler Bedroom Scene

Kiera: So Leighton what do you think of my house?

Tyler: It's very dapper
Kiera: This is my dad's room. I sleep downstairs, but he's not in so...

(Takes her coat and is applying lipstick in the mirror.)

Kiera: Did you think I looked pretty today.
Tyler: Yeah you really did

Kiera: Thank you, I'm wearing my special lipstick as well; just for you.

(Turns around to face him.)

Kiera: You don't have to be so awkward, you can feel comfortable in my house you know.
Tyler: I am comfortable.

Kiera: It just seems like you're being a bit quiet. But I guess you are quite shy.
Tyler: I'm not shy Bonnie.

Kiera: You are with me- and I think it's because you fancy me. I'm so tired, I might even get into bed. Are you going to join me. We can have a cuddle.

(Leighton sits at the edge of the bed.)
Kiera: Not at the end of the bed silly, I meant next to me. What's wrong Leighton? You seem a bit on edge. You're not frigid are you Leighton? At the age of 19?! Aha

Tyler: Bonnie I'm not frigid.
Kiera: Then aren't you going to kiss me?

Tyler: But why don't we go out somewhere first?
Kiera: Why? We're here now. My brothers are away, my dad's away. Come on

Tyler: Let's just get to know each other a bit more Bonnie.
Kiera: You've known me for a long time now. We've been on a date, I think we're ready now.

Tyler: 1 date Bonnie
Kiera: I'm not going to tell anyone, I know we're not married but we can both keep a secret. Andrew never told anybody- he was a real man. So... come on Leighton, don't be boring.

Tyler: Bonnie I'm not being boring.
Kiera: Sit up. Come on, give me a kiss.

Tyler: I can't Bonnie
Kiera: Why?! Come on it's only a kiss

Tyler: Bonnie I can't. I just can't
Kiera: What's going on? I don't understand. Nobody does this!

Tyler: Bonnie I just, I just can't
Kiera: You're embarrassing me Leighton! Come on!

Tyler: Bonnie I can't do this!
Kiera: Why?! You're 19, you're old enough, I'm not going to tell anyone.

Tyler: I just don't want to do this Bonnie.
Kiera: Why? Don't you like me?

Tyler: I do like you Bonnie it's just-
Kiera: If you liked me we'd have sex. Come on! Come on ,come on, come on!

Tyler: Bonnie, get off, I can't do this. Listen to me!
Kiera: Why won't you have sex with me?!

Tyler: I just can't!
Kiera: Why?!!

Tyler: I'M GAY!!!

(Kiera rapidly shuffles away from Tyler and gets off him sitting at the edge of the bed.)
Kiera: What?! I think you should leave! Now!

Leighton: Bonnie, I'm sorry for everything

(Leighton picks up his stuff and runs out.)
Louis: What the fuck! Has just been happening in here?!

Kiera: Errr, it's not how it looks.
Louis: Have you just had sex?!

Kiera: No!
Louis: I'm not having a fucking slag as my sister!

Kiera: I didn't have sex! I didn't he's-
Louis: He's what?!

Kiera: Nothing. He's nothing. I just didn't have sex.
Louis: I always knew you were a fucking slag!

Kiera: No I'm not!
Louis: You're only 16. Who the fuck do you think you are?!

(Hits her. Blackout.)


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